Tuesday, December 2, 2008

First post!

Ayubowan, Wanakkam, and Hello to all of you.

It is 1.47 am on the dot on a pleasantly cool December night, or should I say morning, in Colombo, Sri Lanka.

The author of this post who goes by the name Paparé Boy is half asleep at the moment, not entirely sure where this post (AND blog) is headed, and not having the faintest idea as to why he's doing this at all, except that he's always wanted to do it.

Yep, moi is a newbie to the blogosphere. So please excuse any blogging blasphemies on my part. I'm just here to read and (hopefully) be read.

Anyway, here goes nothing... Wish me luck.


Deeps said...

wish you all the best...kepp it up.im new here too...

Paparé Boy said...

Thanks, and wish you the same. :)

Sabby said...

Hewwo to you too and welcome to ... blogging!

Hope you find much joy and madness here! =D

I shall be blog rolling you as soon as I get about to doing it! =D

Paparé Boy said...

Thanks, and I shall add you too. :)