We are born killers.
We are everywhere.
We, as a species, move ever forward eating up all the resources this planet has to offer, and as a token of gratitude we leave utter destruction in our wake.
We have religions designed to keep us from doing wrong, despite which we commit every sin in the book on a daily basis.
We have leaders and people making sackfuls of money under the guise of representing us in government.
We have governments telling us what to do, all the while breaking their own rules in broad daylight.
We whine about it a little, curse them a little, and we, being the hypocrites that we are, vote them back in to power.
We thrive on division and competition, be it racial, religious, whatever.
We wage wars against our own kind.
We are systematically destroying everything that is vital to our own survival.
We are well on our way to another stone age.
It's gonna be awesome.
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Elektronik Blender - Dapur adalah pusat kegiatan di rumah yang tidak pernah
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10 months ago
You're paranoid that we're returning to the stone age? =S
Well... I don't think we are... what's going to happen is the countries like America have developing countries like us under their thumb... 'cause we owe them a massive amount of money... we can't pay off that debt... and they'll make sure we dont... so they will continue to prosper while the little developing countries like ourselves will continue to suffer the sea swallows us up and the planet goes Kaboom (The way Marvin the Martian says it =P )
Of course they falter too... which is why we're having this economic crisis... which gives other countries a chance to become a super power...
We'll just have to wait and see... and suffer...
It's all quite hopeless... and we're all doomed...
It's all fact... not one of my twisted theories... =P
I think I was told that during one my economic lectures... or was it sociology... well either way...
Yeah, I don't think it's all that far fetched really.
It's just a matter of time. It's bound to happen sooner or later. It's almost inevitable.
I say almost because I don't want to sound too paranoid. :p
this was probably what the dinosaurs were saying just before they got extinct
Yeah, but I always felt that their extinction was a sudden one. It was probably a shocker for them. One minute it's Jurassic Park, the next minute everyone's dead.
In our case, though, it appears that we're slowly but surely digging our own mass grave.
Ehehe. My, aren't we all sunshine and butterflies today! ;)
It's just one of those days. :)
But it's good that we're going back to stone age, if we are that is. We can start afresh you know. Start building this world again, put all those dark things behind us :P :P
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