So with everyone (including Tom, Dick and two of my bosses) headed to Galle for the weekend for that much hyped "LitFest" (does that sound saucy or what?), and since work prevents me from jumping on the bandwagon, I'm stuck with nothing to do this weekend - well, Sunday to be precise; I have a job that makes me work on Saturday, so I don't really get to have a "weekend" off in its traditional sense... but that's beside the point... So, am looking forward to a Sunday filled with Class A boredom, with nothing to do and the prospect of having to listen to everyone's near-orgasmic accounts of the fest once they return. It seems EVERYONE I know is willing to shed a few big ones for that... thing. Argh!
There, I feel better already.
Having said that, this year's GLF sounds like a pretty big deal and it appears that I'm missing out on some good stuff. I hear they're bringing down the guy who wrote Schindler's Ark. Man, that's big. And I've always wanted to meet Carl Muller. Dunno if he's going to be there this time, though. I'm guessing he is.
Anyway, I don't really know why I'm so worked up. It's not like I'm this hardcore reader who would love nothing more than to attend bookclub meetings in his spare time (do we even have those things here?). In fact, I've never been to this GLF thing before... ever. And I'm not the type to be seen sipping coffee with the rich and famous. I despise that sort of thing. So why now?
I don't know. Maybe I'm just pissed off that I can't get my Saturdays off. And it's not just 9-5, man. For reasons best known to my immediate boss, on Saturdays I'm required to stay at office till 1 am the next frickin' day! I can still remember the look on his face when I asked him if I could be excused to go for Onstage last year. Not that I actually told him I was going for a rock concert, but, you know...
But he's a nice guy, and quite the gentleman, so he let me off. And I actually felt kinda bad.
But I dunno. I don't get to do anything on Saturdays that doesn't involve sitting at a desk and staring into a computer monitor, when I should be out having a ball, or not doing anything at all for that matter. I can't remember the last time I went for a party on a Saturday, and parties are almost always held on Saturdays. Not to say I'm a social butterfly or anything but seriously, man, a guy's gotta have some time off.
Oh well. Can't complain; at least I get paid.
Sorry about all the whining, man (if you're still reading this, that is). :p
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10 months ago
Awww there can let it all out! =)
I have never been to this LitFest thing either. I didn't even know they existed till I read it in someone's blog.
Haha we all get into those whiny rant moods on our blogs every once in a while, man, no biggy. ;)
And I knooowwww, everyone's just been YAPPING about this GLF thing. I could've gone but I wasn't in the mood this year to go 'sipping coffee with the rich and famous' as you put it.
Don't tell me ALL your friends have gone for it? Grab about three or four buddies and head down to the beach or somethin. :)
Dude i got to hand it to u on how u can work till 1 am on saturday, damn dude.. i really thrive on Fridays that being the epitome of my week since its the end of work and time for fun. I cant even dream of working on saturday let alone in the night.. i feel for you.
and I'm with Sabby I didnt know GLF exoisted since recently until I read a blog. I'm wondering whether to go.
Oh yeah and try to live it up on Sunday and make the best of it.. there's always a way =)
yeah - DO everything you could have imagined doing on saturday on sunday.
let me be the evil one, and provoke you. Would it be oh so terrible to take ONE saturday off??
you KNOW you want to, maaaann!! ;)
*party like a Rock Star*
Thanks for the support, guys. :)
Found something to do this weekend. Gonna crash at a friend's with another friend. Planning to head there tomorrow night straight after work. :D
And, I don't think I really want to go for the fest anymore. I'm sure it's not all it's cracked up to be. (No, not sour grapes, I assure you). :p
Work till one a.m on a saturday? dude in my book, you DESERVE a weekly rant at least! dedication and commitment will get you places :D
"Dedication and commitment will get you places"?
Not where I work, dude. :D
i was being a bit cynical but no matter i guess you got it.. Advertising? merchandising?
Something like that. :)
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