OK, so everyone's been filling up that questionnaire thing lately, and so I thought I'd take a shot at it myself. Not that I'm really into that sorta thing, but since I'm new here and all... You get the drift...
Oh and I'm borrowing Makuluwo's questions without her permission.
OK, so here goes...
1. Who are you in one word? Me.
2. Do you believe in true love? I want to.
3. Are you easy to be friends with? Depends... are you easy to be friends with?
4. People person? Yes, but again, depends on the people in question.
5. Dreams? Does "to b happy" sound too corny?
6. Roots? Colombo.
7. Education? Yes. :p
8. Music? Rock, rap, hip hop, classical and a bit of techno... Guns n' Roses, Tupac, Enigma, Enya, Yanni, Eminem, Bob Sinclair (when I'm in the mood), the music of the '90s, Michael Jackson (anyone who tells you that they don't like his dancing is a liar. Don't trust them with anything. :p )
Basically, anything that sounds good.
9. Sound you're hearing right now? That of my CPU fan.
10. Last Movie and with who? If you mean at a theater, The Dark Knight with my ex. Planing to go see Madagascar 2 asap.
11. Favorite movie (pick one)? Way too many to list. I'm a sucker for LotR, Star Wars, etc.
Love comic book movies, all time favourite being The Dark Knight (they'd better give Ledger that Oscar he just got nominated for).
Jurassic Park, Schindler's List, Munich, The Prestige, Batman Begins, Spider-Man 2, Shrek II, Iron Man, Tropic Thunder, Catch Me If You Can, Forrest Gump, Saving Private Ryan, AI, The Village (not really, but I liked the way it ended), The Blair Witch Project (quite possibly the scariest movie ever made, you don't want to watch it all by yourself, in the dead of night with just the headphones on, trust me), Sin City, the American Pie trilogy (the first three only), Ben Stiller movies, and the list goes on and on...
Yes, I LOVE to make boring lists that no one will ever find interesting.
12. Currently reading? The Audacity of Hope by that guy who just moved to the White House.
13. Working at - An office complex somewhere in Colombo.
14. Like your job? Yes and no. The job is something I've always wanted to do... just wish I could say the same about the pay.
15. Are you egoistic? Not as much as you are.
16. What's the craziest thing you've done? Singing the National Anthem as loud as I possibly could inside a van on my way back to the Unawatuna Beach Resort from Weligama with some friends.
What? I like the melody.
17. What's your favourite song? Do you really want to be bored by another long-ass list?
Yeah, didn't think so.
18. Favourite hangout? I'm a people person, remember? :p So anywhere is cool with me as long as the crowd's good.
19. What do you love most? How do people come up with questions like this? Honestly.
20. Your weakness? I'm one of those "nice guys", but I'm working on being a nice asshole as per the general consensus reached on what men ought to be in the eyes of women following the comments on this post by me and this one by TheWhacksteR.
21. What pisses you off? People with superiority complexes. (I had to steal Makuluwo's answer to this one. Sorry, Spidey).
22. Your Hell? Hell.
23. Food? Anything edible.
24. The ideal lifestyle? Living it up on the monthly interest of your 10 million dollar bank account without having to work. Yes, I'm lazy. Sue me.
25. If you could have one wish? The power to keep on wishing. Duh?
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10 months ago
I love Forrest Gump! AND The Prestige rocked!
'The Rhythms of the CPU Fan'...that was one kickass album, man =D
Oh yeah. Who was the artiste again? :p
lol! Shaa you borrowed my questions (which technically are WhacksteR's for the most part but STILL) AND one of my answers! I'm flattered. :P
obama is overrated man, dont read it :P
# 25...is a smart answer...:)
@Makuluwo - It's not mine. Borrowed it from my cousin. I think he wants it back soon. Will ask him and let you know. :)
@Icarus - I wouldn't have agreed with you a month ago, but now... I dunno... I'm sure his call for change is a genuine one, but I'm seriously beginning to feel that people are expecting way too much from him.
@Lady Dive - Thanks. What would you have chosen? :p
May I borrow this please?
Ah, well, I'll just take it...thanx :P
You're welcome. :p
Calling yourself a "nice guy" is being kinda narcissistic, innit? =P
I have a superiority complex... I think no end of myself... does that mean I piss you off? =D
You obviously missed the point, dude. I don't WANT to be a "nice guy." :p
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