Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Love is...

An illusion... for it's a mere magic trick played on the weak and gullible

A mirage... for it's something that is really not there

A lie... for no one really means it when they say 'I love you'

A trap... for it ensnares the senses

A book... that no one will ever finish reading

A puzzle... that no one has yet solved

A riddle... that no one will ever figure out

A quagmire... that no one will ever get out of alive

A dagger... that can kill you in an instant

A poison... that can kill you slowly

A bullet... that can pierce your heart

A sword... that can sever your head

Love is...

A load of crap, that we all so desperately crave for

A weapon... of mass destruction



Morquendi said...

MoM dumped you? LOLZ

Anonymous said...

"a load of crap that we all so desperately crave for"

Perfectly said.

Paparé Boy said...

Thanks! :)

Unknown said...

Did you write that?! Its sounds a lot like a couple of ppl i know.Soo papare boy( dont know hoe to gt the top bit thing on 'e') is it???*wriggles eyebrows